landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. A Moon base dubbed Luna
was sighted and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round
structures which look like silos, huge "T" shaped mining vehicles which left
stitch-like tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small
alien craft appear in the photographs. It is a joint United States, Russian,
and Alien Base. The Space Program is a farce and a unbelievable waste of money.
Alternative 3 is a reality and is not at all science fiction. Most of the ApolloAstronauts were severely shaken by this experience and their lives and subseque-nt statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle
order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer extreme pena-lty, death, which was termed an "expediency". One astronaut actually did talk tothe British producers of the TV expose "Alternative 3" confirming many of the
In the book Alternative 003 the pseudonym "Bob Grodin" was used in place of the
astronaut's identity. It was also stated that he committed suicide in 1978. Thiscannot be validated by any source and I believe that severe so-called facts in
the book are really disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation isa result of pressure put upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect
upon the populace of the British TV expose "Alternative 3". The headquarters of
the international conspiracy is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made
up of Representatives of the Governments involved as well as the Executive memb-ers of the group known as the "Bilderburgers".